Are you curious about your level of purity and innocence in various aspects of life? Then look no further than the Rice Purity Test!
Originally developed at Rice University in the 1980s, this online questionnaire has gained widespread popularity as a way for young adults to compare their experiences and gain insight into their own behavior. With over 100 questions, the test covers a wide range of topics, including alcohol and drug use, sexual behavior, personal habits, and academic integrity.
But why take the Rice Purity Test? For one, it can be a fun way to reflect on your own choices and experiences. By answering questions honestly, you can gain a better understanding of your behavior and lifestyle choices, and see how you compare to your peers.
But beyond the fun and games, the Rice Purity Test can also offer valuable insights into your own personal growth and development. Perhaps you'll discover areas where you could improve or where you have room to grow. Or maybe you'll realize that you've already made progress in certain areas and should be proud of yourself.
And let's not forget about the social aspect of the Rice Purity Test. Taking the test with friends or classmates can be a fun way to bond and compare experiences. Plus, discussing your results with others can lead to interesting conversations and insights.
Of course, it's important to remember that the Rice Purity Test is not a measure of your worth or value as a person.
So why not give the Rice Purity Test a try? You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself, and have some fun along the way. Just remember to answer honestly and keep an open mind. Who knows, you may just come out the other side with a newfound sense of self-awareness and personal growth.

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Few questions Which confuse the people:

What is meant by Danced without leaving room for jesus?

Answer: The phrase "Danced without leaving room for Jesus" is often used as a euphemism for a type of dancing that is considered too intimate or sexually suggestive. It suggests that the dancers are so close to each other that there is no space left between them.

Kissed horizontally? What does it mean?

Answer: "Kissed horizontally" typically refers to lying down next to someone and kissing them, rather than standing or sitting upright. It is often associated with more intimate or sexual situations.

Gone through the motions of intercourse while fully dressed?

Answer: "Gone through the motions of intercourse while fully dressed" typically refers to engaging in sexual activity with another person while both individuals are fully clothed and not actually having penetrative intercourse.

What is MPS in Rice Purity test?

Answer: In the Rice Purity Test, MPS stands for "Member of the Preferred Sex". It is a term used to refer to a person's romantic or sexual interest, usually of the opposite gender. The Rice Purity Test includes several questions related to an individual's experiences with their MPS, such as whether they have ever kissed, engaged in sexual activity, or cheated on their MPS.

What is meant by Fondled in Rice Purity test?

Answer: In the context of the Rice Purity test, "fondled" refers to touching or caressing someone else's intimate body parts over their clothes without their consent or in a non-consensual manner. It is a form of sexual assault or misconduct and is considered a serious violation of personal boundaries and autonomy.

What is meant by Blue Balls in Rice Purity test?

Answer: "Blue balls" is a slang term used to describe a condition where a male experiences testicular pain and aching in the genital area as a result of prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation. In the context of the Rice Purity Test, a question about "blue balls" may ask if the respondent has ever experienced this discomfort due to sexual activity or arousal.

What is meant by Purchased contraceptives? in Rice Purity test?

Answer: The question "Purchased contraceptives?" in the Rice Purity test is asking if the person has ever bought or obtained any form of birth control or protection to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

Why is there ? on question 69 in Rice Purity test?

Answer: Because 69 is a sex position.

What is meant by Joined the mile high club? in Rice Purity test?

Answer: "Joining the mile high club" is a euphemism for engaging in sexual activity while aboard an airplane. In the context of the Rice Purity test, the question about joining the mile high club refers to whether or not the person has ever had sex on an airplane or in an airplane bathroom.

What is STI in Rice Purity test?

Answer: STI in Rice Purity test stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection. It refers to an infection that is spread through sexual contact with an infected person.